Vertu launched its latest luxury offering — VERTU Ti — last week. The Android luxury smartphone is expected to launch in India by the end of March. The handset sports a 3.7-inch sapphire crystal screen, which is said to be the largest ever engineered of its type. The premium material choice of the screen makes it virtually scratch proof and it is tested to be 4 times stronger than other smart phones in terms of impact resistance.
The smartphone is encased in titanium, a metal which is around 5 times stronger than most other smart phones. The case is claimed to deform less than 1mm when a 500N-m force is applied to it. Ceramic pillow, exposed watch screws with a clean overall aesthetic and other design cues make it easy to distinguish that it is a Vertu phone. The phone comes in with 11 x 15 mm rectangular audio drivers that maximize frequency response and level, offering symphonic sound from the built-in stereo speakers.
A specialised Vertu ruby key gives users access Vertu Life that offers tailored information, articles, benefits and Vertu’s famous Concierge Service. All of these specialised services are available via a global team of professionals attending to customers anywhere, anytime.
Vertu Ti Specifications:
- 3.7-inch Sapphire Crystal touchscreen
- Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich)
- 1.7 GHz dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 processor
- 8MP rear camera with 1080p Video Capture
- 1.3MP front-facing camera
- 1GB RAM, 64GB Internal memory
- Secure NFC with tap to pay support
- Full/Micro/Nano SIM capability
Just like all other luxury goods, each Vertu Ti is handcrafted in England by a single craftsman at Vertu’s state-of-the-art headquarters in Hampshire. The Vertu Ti comes in several variants, with the 7,900 Euros (~5,70,520 INR) for the Titanium Black Leather variant being the starting price.
The Titanium Pure Black variant costs 9,500 Euros (~6,86,069 INR), the Titanium Black Alligator variant costs 10,500 Euros (~7,58,286 INR) and the top-end variant with Black PVD Titanium Red Gold Mixed Metals costs 16,500 Euros (~11,91,593 INR). The smartphone will go on sale worldwide this month and is expected to hit Indian shores by the end of next month. The price of Vertu Ti in India is not confirmed as of yet, but then again, the ones waiting for this won’t be worrying much about the price.
Via: fonearena
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