Delivery Timeline:
Expect the product to reach you within 10 days of order
It takes this long because you don't get these prices every day!
Over 75% of our shipments reach within 5 days. But we would much rather under-promise and over-deliver!
Offer is on a choice of acupuncture slippers:
Offer 1: Pink Acupuncture Slippers (S)
Offer 2: Pink Acupuncture Slippers (M)
Offer 3: Pink Acupuncture Slippers (L)
Offer 4: Blue Acupuncture Slippers (S)
Offer 5: Blue Acupuncture Slippers (M)
Offer 6: Blue Acupuncture Slippers (L)
Offer 7: Grey Acupuncture Slippers (S)
Offer 8: Grey Acupuncture Slippers (M)
Offer 9: Grey Acupuncture Slippers (L)
Offer 10: Purple Acupuncture Slippers (S)
Offer 11: Purple Acupuncture Slippers (L)
This shoe will follow your change of weight and personal footfall to find your acupuncture points
Size S = sole length 23 -24cm = Size 37.
Size M=sole length 24.5-25.5cm= Size 39
Size L= sole length 26-26.5 cm = Size 41
Material: silicone rubber
Free delivery across India
Inclusive of all taxes and service charges
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