California based Swipe Telecom has launched Halo Value, a Dual SIM tablet which supports data and voice services over the 2G network, in India. With a price tag of Rs. 6990, it does look like a strong contender in the tablet market.
The tablet comes in with the dual-SIM feature allowing users to operate on two different networks. But keep in mind that the tablet supports only 2G on both the SIMs. While this might be an economical advantage for those who use data services over 2G, the slow speed might affect those who might want to video call over the 2G network. The dual SIMs are handy for those who can utilize the call rates on different networks to the maximum. For data connectivity though, there is Wi-Fi which will let you surf faster.
As far as the specs are concerned, the tablet runs on Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) and is powered by a 1.5GHz processor. It sports a 7-inch capacitive touchscreen, 2MP rear camera, VGA front camera and a 3400mAh battery that drives this 10.9mm thick tablet. On the connectivity side, this tablet supports WiFi, HDMI relay, Bluetooth and GPS.
Halo Value comes with pre-loaded applications, a G Sensor, an Accelerometer Sensor and supports Flash 11.1, Olive Office Premium, Ebook Reader and audio recording.
Halo Value is priced at Rs.6990 in India, and a premium leather sleeve worth Rs.699 is included for free along with it.
This tablet boasts features almost similar to Penta T-Pad WS708C which was released yesterday.
This one was a pleasant surprise when i saw it.This Swipe Halo Value Tab definitely covers all that I could ask from a tablet. Love everything about it right from the looks to its features.