Apart from launching the Xperia Z and Xperia ZL handsets, Sony also launched the Xperia Tablet Z in India. The 10.1-inch tablet was first announced at CES 2013 earlier this year and went on to win numerous “Best of CES” awards. The tablet is the thinnest and lightest 10-inch Android tablet in the world with a weight of mere 494 grams and measures just 6.9 mm in thickness. The Xperia Tablet Z succeeds the Xperia Tablet S with a faster processor, a better front facing camera and also a screen with a higher resolution.
The latest Xperia tablet is designed with the same philosophy as that of the rest of current generation Xperia series of devices. The OmniBalance design incorporating rounded edges and smooth finish is similar to that of the Xperia Z and Xperia ZL smartphones. The tablet sports a 10.1-inch HD (1920 x 1200 pixels) WUXGA Display with Mobile BRAVIA Engine 2, and features a shatter proof sheet on scratch-resistant glass. S-Force Front Surround 3D, Clear Audio+ mode and two in-built speakers are added in for enhanced audio output.
The device runs on Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) and is powered by a 1.5 GHz quad-core Snapdragon S4 Pro Krait processor. The rear camera of the tablet has 8 megapixels with Exmor R sensor and with full HD video recording capabilities, while the front camera has 2 megapixels and is capable of 720p video recording. Other specs include, 2 GB RAM, 16 GB/32 GB internal memory, up to 32 GB expandable memory with microSD, 3.5 mm audio jack, and FM Radio with RDS.
On the connectivity side, the tablet supports 3G HSPA+, WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, NFC, HDMI via MHL and GPS/GLONASS. The tablet packs in a 6000 mAh battery, and the STAMINA mode claims to further improve the standby time. The infrared port present can be paired with the TV SideView app to enable Xperia Tablet Z to be used as a remote control. The tablet is water resistant and can stay in one meter of water for 30 minutes.
The price of the device has not been revealed as of yet for the Indian market, but more details will emerge as and when its imminent launch in the month of May closes in.
Via: fonearena
Source: Sony
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