One more Jelly Bean based tablet has been launched in India. This time it is iBall which launched a 10.1-inch tablet Edu-Slide i1017 at a price tag of Rs.12999. iBall claims that the tablet is designed for students and the device includes eTeach content based on NCERT for the I to XII standard students (both SSC and CBSE).
This tablet comes equipped with some powerful specs like dual-core 1.5 GHz processor, Quadcore GPU and the 10.1-inch IPS display is powered by 1280 x 800 pixels resolution. It features a 2 MP back camera and a VGA front camera.
Edu-Slide i1017 comes with 8 GB in-built storage, micro SD slot and 1 GB RAM. Connectivity options include WiFi, Bluetooth, HDMI port, USB OTG and micro USB.
Top features of Edu-Slide i1017
- Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean)
- Dual-core 1.5 GHz processor, Quadcore GPU
- 10.1-inch capacitive touchscreen, 1280 x 800 pixels resolution
- 8000 mAh battery
Edu-Slide i1017 competes with tablets like Spice Stellar Pad Mi-1010, Videocon VT10 and Wammy Magnus in India.
Worse tablet ever created
ReplyDeleteThe reach that you've mentioned it does not work properly