The Apple new MacBook Pro comes with retina display technology so the laptop screen is more vivid and crisper than ever. MacBook Pro with retina display has a resolution of 2880x1800 for 15.4 inches while the most advanced HD TVs out there has only 1920x1080 resolution for 60 inches which means the new MacBook Pro has 3 million more pixels than an HDTV. While the 5 million pixels are packed into a small screen, pixel-for-pixel accuracy is obtained as Apple called it as retina display.
People who own the new Apple lappe are now looking for some high resolution wallpapers as the most searched wallpaper resolution was the 1920x1080, the now look for higher pixel-ed images as high as 2880*1880 for their Retina Macbook Pro. Some stunning wallpapers are found for the stunning display and the links are provided here. Here's the previews of some superb wallpapers which I like.
1. CultofMac (34 Wallpapers packed)
2. Wallbase
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