In 1995, Craig Newmark started a small, innocuous email distribution list to help his friends connect with one another. What began as a friendly, supportive group of individuals quickly turned into what today is the 7th most popular website in the world. Craigslist is the largest classified service available. Over 20 billion people take advantage of this free service daily for all manners of incongruous things– arranging romantic encounters, finding jobs, ranting about politics or even making money. If you are looking to supplement your income from home and have exhausted other options, you may be surprised to know there is significant money to be made on the site.
In fact, you may be astounded at what people will give you money for. How often do you use your toaster oven? There’s a quick fifty dollars. Do you have a shelf of video games you haven’t touched in a year? List them as well. Because the service is free, you have absolutely nothing to lose by offering your belongings up to the marketplace. It’s a quick process and one that may help put some much-needed cash in your pocket.
Although the CEOs of Craigslist refuse to divulge their company income, it’s estimated that they made a profit of 150 million in 2010. It’s difficult to imagine that Newmark, unassuming software engineer that he was, had even imagined that his listing would become so popular. Instead of grumbling bitterly to yourself, use his success as an inspiration. If he made that much from Craigslist, there is an excellent chance that you’ll be able to generate some sort of income, however small.
Polish and Shine!
Clear out your closets.
In fact, you may be astounded at what people will give you money for. How often do you use your toaster oven? There’s a quick fifty dollars. Do you have a shelf of video games you haven’t touched in a year? List them as well. Because the service is free, you have absolutely nothing to lose by offering your belongings up to the marketplace. It’s a quick process and one that may help put some much-needed cash in your pocket.
Help those that can’t help themselves
Be gainfully employed.
Work within the system
Although the CEOs of Craigslist refuse to divulge their company income, it’s estimated that they made a profit of 150 million in 2010. It’s difficult to imagine that Newmark, unassuming software engineer that he was, had even imagined that his listing would become so popular. Instead of grumbling bitterly to yourself, use his success as an inspiration. If he made that much from Craigslist, there is an excellent chance that you’ll be able to generate some sort of income, however small.
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